How to use this product
We recommend drinking 1 cups of Insulin Leaves tea in an empty stomach once a day for patients who not under medication for the diabetic.
If you under medication, take Insulin tea, 3 times a week. Make sure to check the sugar level daily and control the usage of Insulin Tea according to that.
Continue 3 to 6 months for complete cure of diabetics. (for diabetic patients with blood sugar level more than 150).
Age limits
Not intended for persons under age 18(Not Used Pregnant or Lactating Womens)
How many cups can make
20 Cups
How much time this packet can store
01 Year to Manufacture date
How should store this packet
keep it in a cool, dark, dry place
What are ingredients there
Natural Thebu Leaves
Health Benefits
☕ Reduces diabetes level
☕ Reduces high blood pressure
☕ Lowers cholesterol
☕ Powerful antioxidant
☕ Good for kidney issues and urine infection issues
☕ Enhance skin health
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